Used Car Loan
Get a loan from us to purchase a pre-owned vehicle.

COE Renewal Loan
We offer loans to renew the Certificate of Entitlement (COE) of your car.

Car Dealer Financing
We offer loans to car dealers to fund their car inventory purchase.

Caveat Loan
We offer loans to companies and individuals based on the equity in their property.

Business Loan
Companies can get our loan for their business needs in the form of overdraft, fixed term loan and equity loans.

Personal Loan
Accredited investors can get an unsecured loan to be used for various purposes.

Mortgage Loan
We offer loans to companies and individuals secured against their property as collateral.

Unsecured Loan
Companies can apply for our unsecured, uncollateralised loan based on their creditworthiness.
Fast Funding
Loan disbursement in 24hrs from $10k to $30M
deals funded
Lower Fees
We offer low and competitive interest rates
$1 billion
in loan transactions
Easy Approval
We exercise great flexibility for our eligibility criteria
50+ years
of industry experience
Flexible. Honest. Fast. It's a smooth process for our customers. We promise no hidden fees and a hassle-free application process. Trust our process.
Our Partners
Recent Loan Portfolio
Let us help with your funding requirements
Fast loans, lower fees, easier approval. Trust our process.